Two words to sum up Slovenia? Great. Food. Eating isn’t just a part of the daily grind here—it’s a full-on art form. Stand beside the masters in their kitchens, farms and wineries and learn the inns, outs and flavours of the region’s knockout delights.

As you enjoy Slovenian food and wine, the circumstances that resulted in the Slovenian proverb that love comes through the stomach will become clear. The delights of Slovenian cooking, hidden in old recipes, are now available at almost every turn. Food with tradition can be seen in family inns, special events called Osmice and rural experiences. Its faithful companions are the excellent Slovenian wines.
Almost everywhere you go in Slovenia you can find tasty and varied dishes, and Slovenian wines can enthuse even the most demanding wine connoisseur. Slovenia’s varied cuisine developed at the meeting place of influences from the cuisines of the Mediterranean, the Pannonian plain, the Alps and the Balkans. You can discover its specialties in 24 different culinary regions with more than 172 national dishes. To help you learn about Slovenian cuisine, most places have good inns, while many villages have visitor and tourist farms and we visit them on adventures.